Do you know how to deal with a vicious dog if ever you need to save yourself or a loved one? Here's how:
A 125 pound dog attacked five-year-old Selena Burks as she played with friends in Alabama on April 8, 2008. She suffered crushed ribs, a punctured lung and liver. An heroic 11-year-old boy kicked the dog away and possibly saved her life.
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An elderly woman was walking her little dog when a pit bull suddenly attacked her dog and clamped its jaws around its head. The woman had no luck trying to pry the pit bull's jaws apart and could see her dog dying. So she bit the pit bull's neck as hard as she could. It let go and backed off, but came back to attack the little dog again. The woman bit it again. That's when a neighbor ran up and hit the pit bull with a baseball bat and drove it away.
The Humane Society says children are more likely victims of a dog attack because they behave in ways that dogs find disturbing, like running, yelling or making sudden moves, and less likely to be perceived as dominant because of their small size.
10-year-old Kenny survived a dog attack by a huge Mastiff. As the dog lunged at his throat, Kenny instinctively threw up his arm. The dog latched onto his forearm as Kenny remembered his father's advice, "Plunge your thumb deep into the dog's eye." Kenny burst the dog's eyeball like a grape. The dog released him and fell whimpering to the ground just as Kenny's older brother arrived with a pipe and beat the vicious dog to death.
Usually, a dog's body language indicates it's about to attack by standing still with a stiffly upright tail while barking and snarling. An especially attack-prone dog usually will not back away, and in fact may try to circle around and attack from a different angle.
Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says that our impulse is to run when threatened by a dog attack. That's the worst response - it triggers the chase instinct in dogs (and knocking down a runner from behind is easy).
Instead, stand still and act calm. Don't stare into its eyes because dogs consider that an aggressive challenge, so just look in its general direction and watch it with your peripheral vision. Oftentimes it will eventually lose interest and wander away.
Make fists so the dog won't bite off a finger and cross your forearms across your chest. Be ready to protect your most vulnerable anatomy - the front of your torso from your groin to your throat - often a dog's primary target. Let the dog sniff you. In a low voice say, "No!" Stay still until the dog leaves. Back away slowly until it's out of sight.
An ultrasonic dog repellent is useless on a vicious dog attack, but pepper spray usually works.
If a dog does attack you, try to "feed" it your jacket, bike equipment, briefcase, or purse as a distraction while you back slowly away toward safety. If you're knocked down or fall, curl into a ball and keep your arms wrapped around your ears, face, and neck (with your hands curled into fists). Try not to scream or roll around.
If a vicious dog has clamped onto you, do not try to wrench yourself free - that'll just add to the damage.
One myth says to use a free hand to grab the dog's jaw and nose, pinning the nostrils shut. It can't breathe with its mouth full and nostrils shut, so must release you. Unfortunately, that'll be a very brief solution - until it immediately resumes its attack. Since a vicious dog can severely injure or even kill you, an aggressive defense may well be necessary.
A second myth says putting your thumb into a dog's mouth and pressing down on its tongue (while curling your fingers into a fist around its jaw) engages the dog's gag reflex making it unable to bite down. However, that may well be very dangerous for your thumb.
A passive defense may well be futile, if not deadly. You can strangle an attacking dog by pressing with all your might on the carotid arteries on both frontal sides of its throat (a few inches below its jaw's hinges). Its brain is quickly deprived of blood/oxygen and the dog will go limp within seconds (or die, if held longer). YOU NEED BOTH HANDS with your thumbs pressing while your fingers grasp the back of the dog's neck for leverage.
If you release the limp dog too soon, it will regain consciousness within seconds and perhaps attack again. Thus you may want to first bang its head against a solid surface to knock it out, or break its ribs by ramming its chest with your bent knee, or heel-stomp on its legs to break them so the dog will be less able to attack you further.
In 2002, a stray pit-bull dog attacked a two-year-old Detroit boy and began dragging him down the street. Horrified witnesses tried to intervene but the dog would attack them briefly then resume dragging the child. No police were nearby, six people were hurt, and the child seemed doomed until a passing motorist noticed the commotion, stopped, and shot the dog to death.
If a dog has clamped onto another person or dog, simply use the same grip but now you'll be behind the dog and your thumbs will be on the back of its neck for leverage while your fingertips press on the carotid arteries.
Make sure you press on the carotid arteries on both frontal sides of its throat, rather than pressing on its windpipe in the center of its throat because that merely chokes it (depriving it of oxygen to its lungs) and takes 30-90 long seconds for the now violently convulsing beast to be rendered unconscious (or dead, if held longer).
What if the dog has already clamped onto one of your hands or arms? IF YOU CAN'T USE TWO HANDS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE DOG'S THROAT, try to grab its collar or loose skin to wrestle it to the ground and kneel on its throat. Or, quickest of all, plunge your thumb deep into its eye to burst it! That'll probably stop the dog attack. If not, to most effectively defend yourself, strangle the beast!
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